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Membership Benefits of the AIANNH Caucus

  1. Requesting letters of support for educational and/or employment opportunities

  2. Highlighting your programs in the newsletter and website

  3. Educating yourself about a variety of topics relevant to Caucus public health work

  4. Raising awareness of current Tribal & Native public health issues and efforts

  5. Submitting resolution(s) in support of community or Tribally/Native-driven legislation

  6. Gaining expertise in the Interdisciplinary approach to membership and section subject matter

  7. Working on Committees to address organizational and Native public health needs

  8. Providing Student opportunities (networking, mentorship, graduate school, fellowships) 

  9. Providing opportunities to network and socialize with other indigenous groups especially ANANNH

  10. Providing future contacts nationally and leadership opportunities

  11. Providing Mentoring, connections, friendships

Official Member

Official members are individuals who are members of the American Public Health Association (APHA) as well as members of the AIANNHC. 

Associate Member

Associate members are those individuals who are not members of APHA, but wish to be involved with the AIANNHC. Includes Corporate Membership.

Student Member

Students may participate as either official student members or as associate student members. Organizations may participate as official or associate members.

*Student fees may be waved by the discretion of the caucus.

More information

All official and associate members must complete a membership questionnaire and pay an annual fee to be set by the Caucus for newsletters and other mailings and materials. Membership includes both Natives and non-Natives and the annual fee is due at the APHA Caucus Annual Meeting each year.

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