Student Scholars
2023 Student Reflections
The American Indian Alaska Native Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) Caucus of the American
Public Health Association (APHA) encourages Indigenous students from across the country of
varying backgrounds to apply for the Margo Kerrigan Scholarship, an award named after the
AIANNH Caucus founder who was the first Native professional to serve on the APHA Governing Board and was an activist in Native Public Health matters.The award allows scholars full participation in the APHA Annual Meeting & Exposition.
This year, 5 students were selected to receive the 2023 Margo Kerrigan Scholarship: Nina
Edwards (Alaska Native), Kassandra Eyre (Alaska Native), Cameron Smith (American Indian), Tre'
Harp (American Indian), and Jetney Vegas (Native Hawaiian). Students represented the University of Arizona, University of Alaska, University of North Dakota, Emory University, and University of Hawai'i. Two are current undergraduate students, two are PhD candidates, and one recently received their baccalaureate degree. The students came from various tribal backgrounds including Tlingit, Tsimshian, Inupiat, White Mountain Apache, Choctaw, Muscogee Creek, and Native Hawai'ian.